
Plato divides the world into realms. The realm of the forms was the highest, an intelligible, rather than experiential realm of truths. These forms, for Plato were more real than the everyday world because of their immutability and singularity, as opposed to the multiplicity and ever changing character of the world of men, analogised as the wall of flickering shadows in plato's cave. 
"Plato has a system in which he makes a division between the material sensible world and what he terms, an other worldly realm of forms; of perfect, eternal, ideal, non-sensible principles. And those are the things that are truly real and everything in this world is simply representing it or imitating it. The ideas is that somehow we must try to get as close to the forms as we can and particularly the form of the good." Angie Hobbs 
From In Our Time Neoplatonism BBC Radio 4 First Broadcast 19th April 2012 

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